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August 2020


Dear Parents,


Buen dia, Montessorians!


Books we read and the characters we know become like friends. They make us happy, keep us company, and sometimes they stay in our minds and hearts forever. Reading good literature helps children develop confidence, language skills, and helps them cope with their feelings.


Poring over books unlocks a child’s new world, leading him to fathom the unknown, develop empathy, improve concentration, and enrich creativity.


Dr. Maria Montessori believed that “the child who concentrates is immensely happy” and exposure to books can “touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core.”


In line with our literary study, each pupil is required to do a Book Report for the Third Term, the format of which will be taken up in class. To be guided well on book selection, here is a wide range of recommended reading for each level, which we based on the students’ expected capacity of comprehension.



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